Paddy CarolanCynara 2009 Carlingford Sat 26 Sep 2009 00:58:13

Blogs by Paddy Carolan

Cynara on its trolley

We're getting quite expert at launching Cynara. However, we always make some silly mistakes. We should write up a schedule list when fresh from launching the boat to avoid future mistakes but that takes all the fun out of it! Good excuse!
Joe is holding a rope for guiding the booat when afloat and retrieving the trolley.

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Ready for sailing

After launching, it's convenient to pull the boat alongside the slipway for last minute preparations before sailing. Joe and Pat are in attendance. On this occasion we also put the mooring down - two anchors in series - and enjoyed a day's sailing as well. We were back ashore at about 10PM. It was a wonderful sail.

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