Stern locker for Mekicevica Fri 11 Apr 2014 18:16:44
Stern locker
My Manta came with a bucket in the port-side locker to house a bottle of propane gas. There are several problems with it: firstly, the opening for the hose to the cabin can allow water if the cockpit locker gets flooded, as it did not very long ago in the boat of one of us. Secondly, the vent hole is at the top of the bucket. Since propane is heavier than air this is not effective, as any leaked gas would pool at the bottom of the bucket, ready to turn your boat and crew into smithereens. I don't keep gas bottles in Mekicevica, but I have been using that bucket to store the jerrycan of gasoline for the outboard.
Now I have decided to build a locker at the stern, under the tiller. That is wasted space, anyway. I left a gap at the bottom to allow draining of the cockpit, and the scuppers provide ventilation to allow any gasoline vapour to disperse.
It looks goos as well!
User Comments
Mark Fri 18 Apr 2014 01:03:43Looks good - much better place to store fuel and gas than in the lockers. What did you make it out of?