Help - Login/Logout
If you have registered you can login and particpate in the forum, blogs and live chat with other logged in users. You can also communicate with other users through the website private messaging system.
How to Login
To login, click the link at right hand corner.
In the login form enter the e-mail address you registered and your password. Note that as a protection against hacking from web bots, your account will be locked if too many incorrect passwords are entered. If your account is locked it will be automatically unlocked after 20 minutes.
Login Problems, Forgotten Password, Lost Activation Email
If you cannot login please do not re-register.
If have forgotten your password or have not received your activation email then click 'Login Help' and enter your registered email address. You will be sent an email with your password reminder and your activation code.
The email also has a link for resetting your password.
Not Receiving Automated Emails?
Check your spam filters and make sure you can receive emails from
Still Unable To Log In?
If you have tried the above and are still unable to login, contact the administrator using the contact page.
How to Log Out
To log out click the log out button at the top right hand corner of the page.